Earlier this year, we launched Public Status Pages—a way to communicate your service status with your customers. While we strongly believe that transparency is critical, what happens when you're just down all of the time? An occasional outage is one thing, but after a while, your users could start to get mad.

That's why we're adding an enterprise tier to our uptime monitoring service! With Honeybadger's Enterprise Uptime Monitoring, you can have your cake, and eat it too.

Here's how it works:

Edit your existing status page, or create a new one under Account → Status Pages:

Honeybadger status pages dashboard

Be sure to check the new "Enable enterprise features" checkbox:

Honeybadger edit status page screen

During your next major outage, your status page will stay green for like 20-30 minutes, giving those pesky issues time to resolve themselves. If too many people start complaining on Twitter, you can always apologize and tell them that you're working on it—but let's be honest, it's probably fine.

This is fine dog amidst flames with a laptop open to a happy status page

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Honeybadger combines the best of error tracking and performance monitoring into one simple interface—with support for all the frameworks you use. It’s the best way to gain real-time insights into the health of your applications.
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Joshua Wood

Josh started hacking on IRC scripts in the late nineties and has been hacking on computers (and businesses) ever since. As a co-founder of Honeybadger he works on the product, leads marketing and developer relations, and is involved in many open-source projects.

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