Explore error tracking data in Honeybadger Insights

One of the best ways to get started with Honeybadger Insights is to use it with your existing Honeybadger error tracking data—which we include for free with every error tracking plan.

Sometimes you want to know something about a particular error, how many errors have occurred with a specific bit of context data, what else was happening around the time the error occurred, etc.

To make it easier to answer these questions quickly, we’ve added Insights context menus to the error detail page. When you hover over any Insights-enabled field, you’ll notice that the value is highlighted. Click to open a context menu with common Insights operations for that field.

The menu options change based on the type of data (for example, if it’s a number, you’ll see a count operation). When you select an option it opens the query in Insights, making it easy to explore from there.

View an error in Honeybadger to try it out.

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