Find events with request ID

We added a new "find events with request ID" option to the Insights data context menu for request_id fields. This is especially useful when exploring your application events and you find a request that you want to check out.

A log monitoring interface showing detailed request information with timestamp and JSON preview columns. The expanded view displays HTTP status 200 and a request ID, with a context menu opened over the request ID field. The menu is labeled "Request ID" with multiple options including "find events with request ID" (highlighted with an orange arrow), "add request_id to fields," "count by request_id," "request_id == ?", "parse request_id/?/", an exact match query option for the specific request ID, and "copy to clipboard." Below the expanded section are multiple log entries with timestamps from March 2025, showing various event types including statistics for a server application with their corresponding durations and hostnames.

Clicking the option replaces the current Insights query with the BadgerQL for finding a set of correlated events for that request:

fields @ts, @preview
| filter request_id::str == "$value"
| sort @ts

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